Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Day of the Beetle

Today, while engaged in my favorite activity (job hunting), I kept hearing a buzzing noise outside my screen door.  "Ah ha," I said to myself (I talk to myself a lot) "a bumble bee."  Not having seen a bumble bee for quite a while, I looked out the screen and there it was - happily flying back and forth, back and forth.  Then it landed on the mat and I took a closer look ... Um, sure doesn't look like any bumble bee I've seen before ... In fact it looks a lot like this:
Now it's pacing in front of the screen door - back and forth, back and forth; it's probably trying to find a way in.  I have a florescent pink post-it on the door reminding me that it's out there so I don't accidently let it in or (even worse) go outside and have it attack me.  I just know it's still out there - waiting ...

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